Saturday 21 July 2007

Odd-shaped paper and blemished cards

Hi all,
I suppose the answer to these 'problems' is obvious - make the odd shape a feature of the card! The weird shaped bits of paper that I used for Neil's card were perfect for images of cats playing with the letters of his name. It made for a lively, asymmetrical card that looked personal rather than factory-made.
For Linda's and Tam's cards, the card blanks themselves were the problem, as they were made from card that didn't make a perfect blank (not surprising as they came from a teabag box and a waste paper basket)! I put Linda's name down the inside of the card, matching the decoration to the outside so that it looked like a cutaway card. On Tam's card there just a few little torn bits, so I cut these out into neat(ish!) squares and put the letters of her name there.

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