Saturday 10 May 2008

'Collectable' cards, a handkerchief box, and a folded arch card

Strewth! It's been a while, hasn't it? Well shortly after my last post I was bereaved - my venerable cat Wittgenstein (Vicky) died in February, which stopped me in my tracks for a while. Then my next card was a High School Musical themed card, which was mainly composed of exhortations to the recipient to get his get his get his get his get his get his head in the game, and stickers. Recently there's been a huge spate of birthdays, though, so I'm back in business. I forgot to scan a couple of them (and they were reeeeely good!) but here are a few of the others.
The one on the left is an image lifted directly from another card. An oriental image handpainted onto transparent fabric, it was too good to cut up or throw away, and for once I broke my own rules and used it in its entirety. The other has some old butterfly cards that came with tea many years ago. People often hang on to these things in the hope that they'll be worth something in time, which may be true if you have a complete set in good condition. I decided to just use these though, as I only have a few, on a scrap of fabric. Pretty cards, both, I think.

Here's a bit of recent scavenging: I bought a few handkerchiefs (I've always preferred them to tissues - much softer on the nose, more environmentally-friendly and agreeably old-fashioned) and saved a silver frame and a few bits of silver card from the packaging.

Last Christmas I gave you my heart, and the very next day hang on....last Christmas, my best mate Neil gave me some recycled dark gold arch cards from eco-crafts, and I've finally got round to making some glorious cards with them. Two of them I forgot to scan - one was floaty images of Victorian women, and on another I used up all my pink and flowery scraps, and it looked surprisingly good. The final one, however, I remembered to scan. I used an oriental-type paper and a cat motif. On the left is the front with the 'doors' folded and tied with blue ribbon. The inside almost refused to scan, for reasons best known to itself. I had several goes, and hopefully the odd image on the right is sufficient to give you an idea of the inside of the card. I did little more than cut shapes and paste them in, but the end result is very striking and much prettier than the photos suggest.
Happy creating, all!
Much love,
Jehanine x


Tony said...

Sorry to hear about the loss of Wittgenstein.

Nick Gibbins said...

What Tony said - sorry to hear that Vicky is no longer with us. I'll never be able to smell the heady aroma of singed cat fur without thinking of him.

Biogeomicroblog said...

Hello you! I'm so sorry to hear about Vicky, a very special kitty. I really like the card with the cat motif, lovely!